Three Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling)Things that Helped My Son

Three Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling)Things that Helped My Son

For those that do not know Trichotillomania is a body-focused repetitive behavior classified as an impulse control disorder brows, and eyelids.  My son has had it twice in his life most recently this past fall.  Here are before and after pictures.  The original one when when it first started  and it got much much worse to where he wore a baseball hat to school almost daily:

I am so proud of him!  Here are the three things we did different that I think really helped him.

  1. Added a Probiotic to his diet.

I started reading that our guts are our second (or possibly) first brains.  I plan on writing more on all the research I found out in a future blog but for now this is what we used because it is what our doctor recommended.  I found it on Amazon – note must be refrigerated .  I also found if you do not get one that needs to be refrigerated. it is not strong enough:

2.  We also worked with an amazing hair salon in Delaware called  called Chez Nicole.

Madelyn could not have been more gentle or encouraging!!  Please like their  here for me.  They deserve it!


3.  Started using Wild Grow Oil.  

While at the salon one of the women recommended this oil to be used so we bought it.  It was to cheap to pass.  More to come in a future blog on how it works.
I am not sure if it was one item or the combinations but it works for us.  It is truly amazing that he stopped pulling within days.

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