

Why I write this blog

We tried to have our own children for a year or so but we were not able to.  Since we really wanted children, we decided to adopt two beautiful children from the US who were in the foster care system. There are days though, believe me that we say to each other “God tried to tell us not to have kids but we didn’t listen.”   Both children come with disabilities and have many struggles. They run the gamut of ADHD, PTSD, Attachment Disorder, and Asperger’s.

I am type A go getter that needs to try and control everything.  As a result, every diagnosis, every meeting, every concern I am researching and I mean researching in detail.  Almost every time I question why I was not able to have my own biological children, someone starts talking to me about an issue I have researched and I find I am able to help them.

My children’s therapist has even told me to write a book for years.  I keep saying why would anyone want to read a book by me?   I am not a doctor, I am not a therapist, who am I to guide others.  But the more I learn, the more I find I am telling even doctors about things they don’t know.  So here is my shot.  This blog is to help share the information I have found so other parents, teachers, therapist or even doctors may learn.  I am not expert, I did not go to school for this but I am a concerned mama that loves her children more than anything in the world day by day.