AMC Theaters Host Sensory Friendly Films

AMC Theaters Host Sensory Friendly Films

I was looking on the web for Autism Awareness information and stumbled upon some very interesting information that I wanted to share.

In 2007, AMC Theatres (AMC) and the Autism Society teamed up to offer the “Sensory Friendly Films” program as a special opportunity for individuals living with autism and others to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment on a monthly basis. In order to provide a more accepting and comfortable setting for individuals on the autism spectrum, the movie auditorium keeps their lights turned slightly up (dim lights will remain on) and the sound turned slightly down. Because some have strict, special dietary needs, families are permitted to bring their own gluten-free, casein-free snacks from home.

Additionally, audience members are welcome to get up and dance, walk, shout or sing – in other words, AMC’s “Silence is Golden” policy will not be enforced unless the safety of the audience is in question. Being able to relax and enjoy quality family time without worrying if someone will complain or be disturbed by noise of movement is a wonderful experience. Many others, not on the autism spectrum, also enjoy Sensory Friendly Films – it’s a great opportunity for families to meet, siblings of children with autism to get to know other kids, and anyone to enjoy a movie in a climate of acceptance and understanding.

For the best information about current and upcoming AMC Sensory Friendly Films please visit the AMC website directly. Sensory Friendly Films are offered four times a month at many locations nationwide.

Unfortunately, for those of us in Delaware the closest theaters are in Philadelphia but I bet if we put in requests we could convince Delaware AMC’s to support us as well.

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