Autism, Bullying, and Suicide … sad facts

Autism, Bullying, and Suicide … sad facts

This topic has been on my mind a lot this week so I wanted to share some scary statistics I learned about with all of you.

  1. Researchers found that the percentage of children with autism contemplating or attempting suicide was 28 times greater than that of typical children. They also found that a history of bullying was also very much associated with thoughts of suicide.  What’s interesting about this group of findings is that they suggest that the chances for suicidal ideation are less related to the neurological differences related to having autism, but more related to social factors….in other words, how we are treated as a result of those differences.
  2. Research suggests that those with autism—especially boys ages 10 and up—are more vulnerable to suicidal thoughts, attempts, and completion. Some evidence indicates it’s more prevalent among those with milder autism (e.g. those with Asperger’s). Overwhelmingly, those with autism commit suicide due to bullying and/or social isolation—things they are at high risk for, already.
  3. High-functioning kids with autism are significantly more likely to become victims of bullying when compared to their peers with autism and intellectual disability. It’s become socially inappropriate to ridicule persons with an obvious disability…less so when the disability isn’t so obvious.
  4. Bullying can worsen the mental health of all teens – but especially those with Asperger’s and High-Functioning Autism since they are already dealing with an inordinate amount of stress. Teens that experience adolescent bullying are more likely to report thoughts of suicide and suicidal behavior.

These scare me to death and until schools and other organizations stop just saying they have a no bully tolerance but actually back those words with actions I do not see an end in sight.  What do you think?

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