A Special Needs Mother’s Day Poem

A Special Needs Mother’s Day Poem

Mother’s Day is a lovely holiday, but it can sometimes be bittersweet for moms raising kids with special needs.   Below is a poem I have written to describe my feelings as a special needs mom.  Happy Mother’s day to All!!

As each mom is just so different
They all deserve their day,
But special need’s moms are unique
For challenges come their way.

We make it through days we’d never dreamed of
And impress ourselves sometime
But others are so much harder
to find even a little extra time.

For our children we are more than mom’s
We are nurses, therapists too.
At IEP meetings we fight for their rights
And pray they have a clue.

Therapy takes up all our time
And our kids want to find some friends
But sometime they fight so much
That we need to make amends.

The costs to raise them is so high
We worry every day
Filling out forms for support
And pray it will come our way.

We never know what each day brings,
It keeps us on our toes,
But we love our kids to death
And hope that each one knows.

I never knew how difficult it is
To wonder everyday–
Will my children grow up?
Will they be okay?

For bullying is part of their lives
That makes me mama bear mad,
But for my children I now know
It only makes them sad.

I thought I knew myself so well
I guess that I was wrong,
For in my time of weakness
I found out I was strong.

God gives us what we can handle
And every day I pray,
To take it moment by moment
And to live day by day.

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