Back to School Sucks!

Back to School Sucks!

Aug 29, 2024

Back to School Sucks! Anyone that has a child or children with disabilities completely understands that statement. Most parents tell me that they cannot wait to get the kids back to school. Kids are excited, new clothes, new supplies and for parents it means more free time. Not me, I dread it with all of my being. Back to school with children like ours that have disability is one of the most difficult time of the year.
Our children thrive on routine, they need special help, and school, no matter what the case means the dreaded IEP. This morning, I cried all the way to work because I see how exhausted my son and daughter look after school and we have not even started homework. It is as hard on the parents as it is on the child. One bright side my son sent me the following when he knew I was upset:
Trust me this will put a smile on your face.
Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep,
At least fifteen people in this world love you.
The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you
There are at least two people on this world that would die for you
You mean the world to someone. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
When you think the world has turned its back on you take a look again.
Always remember the compliments you've received.
Forget the rude remarks.

Robbie is going into 8th grade and that has added to the struggle. There is no recess for a child that needs to get up and walk around and get the energy out. Next semester he won't even have gym (which he had every other day). And then as I mentioned is the IEP. That is one point; thank God that I excel in. I have learned and researched so much that my EIP meetings are very effective. Here is an ebook I created to show you everything I have learned.